Ch Amcho Shadow of Buddha
e Amcho Ricky The Snowman
u Ch Amcho Miss Nicole
Uppf Kirsten & Sten Malling Pedersen, Falkenberg
Ägare: Claes Bergström, Örebro
Ch China Young's Onazzis After Floyd
e Ch Towmena The Blacksmith
u Ch Chow-Yap's Exclusive Edelweiss
Uppf Kerstin Mattsson, Bälinge
Ägare: Kerstin Mattsson, Bälinge
Ch Nin-T'sun Miketilla
e Ch Cao of the China's Joy
u Nin-T'sun Izi-Iris
Uppf N & P Hansen, Danmark
Ägare: Grete Jönsson, Rydsgård
Ch C'hengtus Red Rose
e Ch Lai-Troll's Rubicon
u C'hengtus Blue Nikita
Uppf M Gåsbakk, Norge
Ägare: Ingela O'Neill, Storvik
Ch Nickelodeons Sophie Pure Virginity
e Ch Tanlap Trimson
u Nickelodeons Fawn Freak of Fashion
Uppf C & J Remsöbo
Ägare: Ingela O'Neill, Storvik
Ch Pei Fang Midnight Cowboy
e Rhytzo Venture Midnite Boy
u Lohov's Exclusive Waike
Uppf M Holmli, Norge
Ägare: Elvy Åberg, Ockelbo
Ch Aslam Ulan
e Ch Tsingfu's Yankee Gold Bar
u Ch Sheena
Uppf Ann Elise Andersen, Norge
Ägare: Solweig Jansson, Norrtälje
Ch Chow-Yap's Famous Fonda
e Ch Rhytzo Blue Fang Ming
u Ch China Young's Kajsa Kavat
Uppf Margareta Ronnerfors, Skärplinge
Ägare: Elvy Åberg, Ockelbo
Nickelodeons Shalimars Wish
e Ch Nickelodeons Daredevil Black
u Nickelodeons W'llkeepherforsure
Uppf C & J Remsöbo
Ägare: C & J Remsöbo
Ch Pei Fang Millennium
e Ch Bastian
u Ch Pei Fang Moving Revelation
Uppf M Holmli, Norge
Ägare: V-A Nordal, Norge
69 p
59 p
47 p
45 p
45 p
44 p
39 p
37 p
36 p
36 p
Ch Amcho Shadow of Buddha
Ch C'hengtus Red Rose
Ch Aslam Ulan
Ch China Young's Onazzis After Floyd
Ch Nickelodeons Sophie Pure Virginity
Ch Chow-Yap's Famous Fonda
Ch Nin-T'sun Miketilla
Ch Pei Fang Midnight Cowboy
Nickelodeons Shalimars Wish
Ch Pei Fang Millennium
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